Worshiping in Spirit and in Truth
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We have a service every Sunday at 10AM. Join us online!
We love to learn about God and His word. You are able to go back and listen to past sermons at our church.
Meet the Team
David Kanski
Jon Haley
Dave Hyde
Tom McDonnell
Kris Muthler
Linda Kanski
Christine Lewis
Leigh Haley
ECC Worship Team
Leigh Haley (Violin, Vocals)
Linda Kanski (Cello, Vocals)
Jon Haley (Guitar, Vocals)
Craig Muthler ( Bass)

“What comes to our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us”
What We Believe
The Trinity
We believe in one living and true God; maker of heaven and earth; sovereign over the universe; infinite in power, love, and holiness; existing eternally in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit; each possessing equally all the attributes of Deity and all the characteristics of personality.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God become flesh. Fully God and fully man, He is the image of the invisible God and in Him the Father is perfectly revealed. He is the Savior of the world. He offered His own blood as the only acceptable sacrifice for our sins. By dying in our place, Christ removed our guilt and reconciled us to the Father. In His death on the cross, the mercy and love of God, as well as the holiness and justice of God, are revealed.Having fully accomplished the work of atonement, Christ rose bodily from the grave, victorious over death and all the powers of darkness. He ascended to the right hand of the Father, where He intercede for His people, and rules as Lord over all.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is ever present and active in the world to convict of sin and to draw men to the Savior; that He is ever present and active within the church to equip and enable her to carry out the Great Commission; and that He is ever present and active within individual believers to communicate God’s loving presence to them, and to guide, strengthen, and conform them to the image of Christ.
The Scriptures
We believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God. All the scriptures of both the Old and New Testaments are inspired by God, and are, therefore, inerrant as originally given. The Scriptures are the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and practice.
We believe that salvation is provided by grace alone, through faith alone, because of Christ alone, so that none should boast, that God, alone, might receive the glory. God created man in His own image for fellowship with Himself, but when tempted, man rebelled against his Creator. Estranged from God, mankind has come under the dominion of sin and Satan. Apart from Christ, fallen man is lost and without hope. The only ground for man’s salvation is the atonement that Christ made for sins by His sufferings, the shedding of His blood, and by the laying down of His holy life upon the cross. The Gospel of grace in Jesus Christ is effectual to save those who repent of their sins and, by God’s grace, put saving faith in Christ.
The Church
We believe in one universal church of Jesus Christ, made up of all people everywhere who are trusting in Christ alone for salvation. This one universal church is manifested in local congregations throughout the world.
We believe the Church was instituted to be a spiritual temple, the dwelling place of God in the earth. God makes Himself known to men in and through the Church by the proclamation of the Word of God, and by the presence of the Holy Spirit.
We believe the Church was instituted to be the Body of Christ in this world. Through the Church, Christ, who is the Head, cares for the members of His body, and establishes His loving reign in their lives. And through the Church, Christ continues His ministry of calling all men to be reconciled to God through Him. Christ empowers believers to be His witnesses and equips them for the work of ministry by baptizing them with the Holy Spirit, thus making all the biblical gifts of the Spirit available in the Church, to be exercised as the Spirit wills. According to the scriptural pattern, Spirit baptism is often, but not always, a distinct experience subsequent to conversion.
We believe the Church was instituted to be the Bride of Christ to rule and reign with Jesus, to receive and enjoy His love, and to share His glory for all eternity.
The Consummation of All Things
We believe in the visible, personal and glorious Second Coming of Jesus Christ. When Christ returns, He will bring about the consummation of all things, including the resurrection of the dead and the final judgement. At the judgement, the wicked will be forever separated from God in the unquenchable fire of hell; but the righteous will inherit everlasting life in the immediate presence of God. Then shall all creation be set free from the bondage of corruption, and, according to promise, there will be a new heaven and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells.

What To Expect
Worship Service
We meet for worship every Sunday at 10 AM.
Our service opens with a welcome and brief announcements followed by a time of singing. We strive to keep all of our songs Christ-centered and to glorify Him as we worship together. We are blessed to have musicians with decades of experience as well as several classically trained musicians to lead us in worship. Our musical style is acoustic contemporary and we sing a mixture of traditional hymns and newer choruses.
You will find a friendly and welcoming atmosphere at our church. We are pretty informal, so dress is casual. We believe that God looks at the heart and not the outward appearance. ( I Sam. 16:7)
We are not a large church, and we view our church members as family—the body of Christ—bearing one another’s burdens and supporting each other in love.
Teaching is a central part of ECC, as we believe we are to be devoted to learning the scriptures. (I Timothy 4:13)
Sermons can last anywhere from 20-45 minutes. You can listen to our older sermons here. Our senior pastor preaches the majority of Sundays, but we have a vision for raising up other teachers in the church as well. Our associate pastor, elder team, and other members of the church bring the message some Sundays as well. We recognize that God can speak through any of His children.
What about the kids?
We believe children are the future of the church and equipping the next generation is one of our top priorities! Every Sunday during the sermon, we offer nursery for ages 0-3 and junior church for ages 4-8. We choose to keep the children in the service during the worship time so they can participate in worshipping our Savior. For our older kids (ages 9-12), our vision is to help them transition into the adult service gradually, so two Sundays a month, we offer a Sunday school class for them, while the other two Sundays, they participate in the main service.
Join us for worship on Sundays!
270 Henry St.
Jersey Shore, PA, 17740
Sunday Service starts at 10 AM